1 Personal information


1.1  Collection of personal data

In collecting and processing personal data, PRINDT.COM complies with the Personal Data Act and other applicable legislation.

The use of certain online services offered by PRINDT.COM is only possible by filling in the contact information.

PRINDT.COM does not collect or process sensitive personal data related to users as referred to in the Personal Data Act.



1.2 Purpose of use of personal data

PRINDT.COM uses the name, telephone and address information of the customer register to maintain the customer relationship and for other similar purposes and to develop its products.

The user can request PRINDT.COM to delete personal data at any time.

Personal data will not be disclosed to outsiders, for example third parties, for sales or marketing purposes.



1.3 Register statement

The use of personal data, including the name and contact information of the controller, is explained in more detail in PRINDT.COM register statement (at the bottom of the page). Instructions for exercising the right of prohibition, correction and inspection are in the relevant register statement.



2 Information security

PRINDT.COM organizes the information security of its services in a generally acceptable and efficient manner and strives to prevent unauthorized access to its information systems with appropriate technical solutions.

Such means include, for example, the use of firewalls, encryption technologies and secure device spaces. However, PRINDT.COM cannot guarantee complete information security.

The user is responsible for properly managing the data security of his own information systems.


3 Clause Updates

The clause was last updated on 14.03.2023







1. Registrar

PRINDT.COM / Joonas Brandt
Invoicing via society Lilith

Kaivokatu 37 D / 06100  / Porvoo / Finland


2. The person handling registry matters

Joonas Brandt /


3. Register name

PRINDT.COM customer register


4. Purpose of personal data processing

According to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, the legal basis for processing personal data is

- consent of the person (documented, voluntary, individualized, informed and unambiguous)

- a contract or offer to which the data subject is a party

The purpose of personal data processing is communication with customers, customer relationship maintenance and invoicing. The information is not used for automated decision-making or profiling.


5. Data content of the register

Information to be recorded in the register is: person's name, company/organization, contact information (phone number, e-mail address, address), website addresses, information about ordered services and their changes, billing information, other information related to the customer relationship and ordered services.

The data is stored until the customer wishes otherwise.


6. Regular sources of information

The information to be saved in the register is obtained from the customer, e.g. From messages sent via web forms, by e-mail, by phone, through social media services, contracts, requests for offers, customer meetings and other situations where the customer voluntarily discloses their information.


7. Regular data transfers and data transfer outside the EU or the European Economic Area

Information is not regularly disclosed to other parties.

Information can be published to the extent agreed with the customer.

Data can also be transferred by the controller outside the EU or EEA


8. Principles of registry protection

Care is taken when processing the register and the information processed with the help of information systems is properly protected. When registry data is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital data security of their hardware is taken care of accordingly. The registrar ensures that stored data as well as server access rights and other data critical to the security of personal data are handled confidentially and only by those employees whose job description it is.


8.1 Electronically stored information

The information is collected in databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords and other technical means. The databases and their backups are located in locked rooms and only certain pre-designated persons can access the data.


8.2 Manual Material

Manually processed documents containing personal data are kept in a locked state and are properly destroyed after processing.


9 Rights of the data subject

The right of inspection and the right to demand correction of information

Every person in the register has the right to check their information stored in the register and demand the correction of any incorrect information or the completion of incomplete information. If a person wants to check the information stored about him or demand correction, the request should be sent by e-mail to the controller. If necessary, the registrar can ask the requester to prove his identity. The controller responds to the customer within the time stipulated in the EU data protection regulation (generally within a month).


10. Other rights related to the processing of personal data

A person in the register has the right to request the removal of personal data about him from the register ("the right to be forgotten"). Those registered also have other rights according to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, such as limiting the processing of personal data in certain situations. Requests should be sent by e-mail to the controller. If necessary, the registrar can ask the requester to prove his identity. The controller will respond to the customer within the time stipulated in the EU data protection regulation (generally within a month)